1966 Colt Military 20-Round Magazine 4-Pack

This set of photos (and video) shows an opened (obviously) 4-pack of ‘new’ Colt 20-round magazines as they were provided to the U.S. military in 1965 – 1966 time frame.

I include both years in my post because the milspec packaging is dated December 1965 but the contract on the packaging is April 1966.

I received the 4-pack with the top of the outer wrapper gone and the body of the wrapper significantly torn. I put scotch tape on it to prevent additional damage to the outer wrapper. Additionally, the inner foil wrapper was torn as shown.

Of note is the use of ‘AR-15’ and ‘.223’ on the base plate. These designations were used for some time before the base plate design was changed.

Below is a video of the magazine pack.